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Free Medical Service For Rohingya Refugee

06 Feb 2018

Meer Foundation USBD proved Medical care for Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh.

The Rohingya Muslims of Burma(Mynmar) are considered one of the most persecuted groups of people in the world. More than half a million of them have fled to Bangladesh as refugees because of the ethnic cleansing occurring in the country. These refugees do not have access to medical care, constant food supply, or shelter.

Meer Foundation will be providing medicine and free medical care to the Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh. Two volunteer doctors went to the Cox Bazar, where many refugees are staying, on Sept,21 and 22. Many adults and children were treated with the medicine that was given from Meer Foundation. For more efforts like this please donate to this cause. With enough money we could also feed and offer temporary shelters for these individuals.